
January 09, 2009

She was not a sheep!!

Today morning as usual I checked the bbc news page on the internet and I saw this news about a 14-year-old Afghan girl...
It's unbelievable, her mother and brother cut her to abortion in stable...and took out her fetus then they sutured her by normal needle....
After reading this news I can not concentrate on my work. I'm thinking that how they could wildly behave with her. They were her family and they would have supported her..

Somebody comes and talk about animals rights in this wild world, it's so funny for me thinking about animals and their rights while behave with people like animals. Who wants talking about human rights, women's rights or who wants speak about those children who are being killed in Gaza each second, who is responsible for them?

My heart gives pain today and I'm so sad for our bad and wild world....


  • Hi Mayra Jaan,

    Unfortunately these things happens every day or every minute and that is a shame. It is very sad. I wish we could do something but we can at most teach our own kids and family to care about human rights and human beings!

    Take care

    By Blogger Ocean, at Monday, January 12, 2009  

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