
May 26, 2008

Exam, Staumann, . . .

Tomorrow morning I have final exam and still I'm writing on my blog :-). Examination time is coming to bother me. I have never learned and studied like this. I think they have some plan to kill us.As usual when you have exam you do every thing except studying like the moment I am spending now.
Today we went to visit a company in dental implant production. It was so interesting and this company is the best one in dental implants in the world. It's "Straumann". After that we went to Thai restaurant to have lunch . I was really hungry and didn't care what they are serving just ate. Imagine a soup with pork meat and some Thai spice and spaghetti. Then main course. Unfortunately after eating I had the worst headache ever. I couldn't think even walk. Just I tried to get home and go to sleep like going into coma. Now I felt like blogging and not studying:-)

May 01, 2008

Some photos from Freiburg (Germany)

This photo was taken from the old city of Freiburg. I've heard this city is famous in niece of Isfahan
It's amazing, isn't it?

City center

A typical flower shopping in Europe

They are saying cheese ;-)

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